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Can doing less in the garden be better?


Fall is a season of transition and from an ecological perspective, it's a critical time for gardens. Plants are going dormant, flowers are going to seed, and many of the living creatures we share the land with are getting ready to burrow away for the winter. The impact of our actions at this time of year can greatly contribute to the success of surviving the winter months.


Rather than approach this time of year as an end-of-season clean-up, it may be helpful to think of it as a time of 'setting-up' the garden for winter. Leaving perennials in place, not cutting them back, provides many layers of winter protection. The upright stems provide seed to birds and their hollow, pithy stems become home to overwintering insects. The snow that accumulates amongst the plants will add a much needed layer of insulation from the cold, frigid temperatures. 


More and more, we are hearing the importance of 'leaving the leaves', so what are we supposed to do with them? Adding them to the garden or to the base of trees and shrubs, are the best thing, and not just for your plants, but for anything that makes a home in the world of a curled-up leaf. 


If it's not possible to utilize all the leaves on your property, consider directing them to a designated spot so they can continue to house beneficial insects. Another options is to have them  gathered into a composting bin, that Nature Gardens will custom-design on your property. The leaves will break down over time, and become a valuable resource to be added to your garden in the future. 


Working with Nature Gardens is a way to ensure that the best practices for an ecological approach to gardening, is applied. Our priority is to provide a service that is efficient, and practical, while also providing a benefit to all living things. We are dedicated to a 'done-by-hand' approach to managing the leaves on your property, and look forward to setting-up your garden for winter.




Leaves truly are natures best mulch and when raked by hand, its easy to direct them where they need to be. Leaves help retain soil moisture, reduce weeds and bring nutrients back into the soil. They can be added directly to garden beds or placed at the base of shrubs.


Leaves are a valuable natural resource that can be used each year. Collection bins can be custom designed from wire fencing or wood structures. The main criteria is having open sides that allow for air movement and the ability to access or remove compost when ready.



While leaves provide much ecological value, there are situations where they are not ideal. When left on lawns, they will smother the grass, causing brown patches and if left on stairs or walkways they become a slip hazard when wet. Choose a leaf plan that's right for you.


Growing Nature Connections 

Nature Gardens is fully insured.

We are serving Muskoka and the surrounding region.​

Phone:    416-871-5132             


© 2023 created by Jen Falvy

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